Both Roots and Wings

Reinventing My Life, and The Tumbleweed Report

Manzanita, Oregon has all you need for a fabulous getaway!

My daughter and I ran away from home-to this quaint little coastal town that leaves no doubt you are in another world. Leaving mountains and snow behind, we immersed ourselves into coastal culture quickly by walking along the beach in the rain, talking to my dear old friend Pacific, and watching the birds wait for […]

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Hike along Little Spokane River at Indian Painted Rocks

Are you looking for an easy paced hike along a forested marsh-type environment? Interested in seeing or showing your kids some historical Indian paintings on rocks? This is a gorgeous walk alongside the Little Spokane River only 6 miles NW of downtown Spokane, out Indian Trail road. This hike is a perfect area to go […]

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Find Your Whimsy!

Is your everyday life filled with beauty, the things that you love, and joy? Each of us has an image of how we would love to look, live and feel.  Unfortunately, few of us actively strive to reach that picture.   Others may not really have an idea of what that seemingly unreachable joy might look […]

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Race cars have consequences!

Imagine being strapped in to a black race car by a series of 3 men, and taken for a ride by a professional driver as he whips around cars at speeds you only dreamed of! Exhilaration! Thrills! SO much fun! The driver is informative, and explains when you want to decelerate or accelerate around curves […]

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It’s Not Too Late!

Has your life changed dramatically against your will? This happened to me. I was a homeschooling mom and my kids grew up. I battled cancer and some very serious health issues, and it left me with serious limitations and life changes. It felt like every part of my life had changed, and I didn’t know […]

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