Preparing your baby and toddler for more “formal” learning.

So you have a baby! Or a busy toddler! Let’s talk about early learning. REALLY EARLY learning! That means we have to start with building Neural Pathways! INFANTS and TODDLERS are not too young to learn. Actually it is all they do! Their brains are building neural pathways right now, that are going to help […]

I am the Beach

Do you ever wonder who you are anymore? Do you lose sight of your dreams, or who you used to be?  Who you dreamed of becoming?   ME TOO!   Life has it’s way with you, and rips you apart. Sure, there are great joys and amazing memories, but there is so much change!   […]

From Victim to Survivor-hood

In case you wondered where I have been… Several weeks ago, I was attacked in my driveway. Yes, in my own driveway, by a delivery guy bringing an oxygen machine to my father-in-law.  You know, the kind of person you feel is probably safe, older, professional, delivering oxygen to a frail, weak, elderly man.  In […]

The Huckleberry Roadside Massacre

“Can you hear it?” I called down the stairs to wake up my kids. Two sleepy voices from their bedrooms called back out to me. “The call of the huckleberry!” This has become a family tradition, when we are about to go huckleberry picking. We were taken out years ago when the kids were small […]

You want me to do what? A challenge.

Aaah, June! The birds are working hard raising their babies, the bees are ambling around the flower beds humming while they work, and everything is green with energetic growth. What a joy to put my bare feet into the garden soil and plant seeds with the anticipation that they will grow! Do you know, I […]

Ever Feel Discouraged with Humanity?

I had one of those days!! well…weeks really. You know the kind I mean, where you are shown some of the worst sides of human beings and wonder what this world is coming to? Do you ever feel like that? I cannot share all the things here that upset me this last week, but here […]

Natural house cleaners really can do the job!

Germs? Bleach it! Toilets? Bleach them!! Grimy sinks? Bleach them!!! . Seriously, I think you can see the trend here. I was a bleach girl. Bleach was my “Go To” product for just about everything. I knew bleach killed germs and I didn’t trust anything else to go to war against them. However, as my […]

Easter Morning

Easter is a time of Joy, a time of reflection, and a time to spend walking with Him who saved us through His sacrifice. Every Easter morning, our family wakes up to the same song, blasting, blaring boldly through the house on the highest volume, and we sing and praise through it! Easter is the […]

It’s Not Too Late!

Has your life changed dramatically against your will? This happened to me. I was a homeschooling mom and my kids grew up. I battled cancer and some very serious health issues, and it left me with serious limitations and life changes. It felt like every part of my life had changed, and I didn’t know […]